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Sri Rudram

Here is a website and an article on Rudram sent by a friend few years back.this is the best website, where u can listen to rudramand other related mantras online.



Rudram is treated as the celebrated portion ofYajurveda with the sacred Sivapanchakshari mantram(Namasivaya) enshrined within it. It has got twoportions called Namakkam and Chamakkam each containingeleven chapters or Anuvakams. Most of the chapters inthe first portion end with the letter namaha or namonamaha while the ending letter of the second portionis “cha me”It is firmly believed that every deity ispleased with Rudra japam, also that by chanting itwhatever be the genuine prayers of one the same willbe granted. Rudra japa is spoken of as a greatpurifier and the most effective expiation (pariharam)for even the worst sins.

In summary Rudra japam is thebest sadhana for attaining both material and spiritualbenefits from Almighty.Method of Rudra japam:Rupam: Chanting Namakkam once followed by chantingChamakkam is called Rupam.

Rudra Ekadasini: First the eleven Anuvakas ofNamakkam, followed by the first Anuvakam of Chamakkamare chanted. Next again the eleven Anuvakams ofNamakkam with second Anuvakam of Chamakkam will bechanted. Like this for 11 full chantings of Namakkamone full chanting of Chamakkam is completed. This iscalled Rudra ekadasini.

Laghu Rudram & Maharudram: If in the above methodeleven Rudra ekadasinis are repeated it is calledLaghu rudram. Eleven Laghu rudrams is one Maharudram.Athirudram: Athirudram the biggest of all Rudra japamis eleven times of Maharudram. i.e. in theAthirudrabhiskekam going to be conducted now,ultimately 14641 times Namakkam and 1331 chamakkamswill be chanted totally along with abhishekam.Moreover on the last day in the final Rudra homamagain 10% of this i.e. 1465 Namakkam and 134 timesChamakkam will be chanted and in this way the wholeyagna is going to be a real great performance.Sadguru Sainath, the very incarnation of mercy Himselfhas arranged this Athirudrabhishekam, the panacea foreach and every trouble of devotees. After goingthrough the details, they have to choose theparticular categories of participation in the yagna ,giving particulars of their name, address and gothrametc. and can register with Dattaguru Bhandara Trust atits Hyderabad Address. On the starting day of the Rudrabhishekam sankalpam will be got performed by themif physically they are available. Even for devotees who can’t present themselves sankalpam will be donefor them by a vedic pandit specially appointed for thepurpose.

On Mahashivarathri day i.e. 18-02-2004, onlydevotees who registered for the Rudrabhishekam will beallowed to do abhishekam with their own hands for onefull Namakkam and one anuvakam of Chamakkam. For allregistered devotees prasad will be distributed/postedafter the conclusion of the programme.For the entire yagna Baba is the only organizer andDattaguru Bhandara Trust is His humble, privileged,physical representative only. On His behalf it makesits humble request to every devotee to nicely exploitthis highly rare opportunity and be blessed by LordSaishiva with every auspiciousness.